The expences of this dener [dinner]
The expences of this dener [dinner] In bred ij dos. di [half] and ij peneworth [pennyworth] ij s. viij d. In ale ij kyldekyns viij s. In wyne [wine] ij pts di. xx d. In beffe [beef] xvij d. In moton [mutton] xix d. In marybones [bone marrow] liij d. In chynes [shins] of pork iiij xvj d. In swannes [swans] j vij s. iiij d. In capons iij ix d. In partyrchs [partridges] xij vij s. iiij d. In snypes [snipes] xvij ij s. x d. In larkes [larks] iij dox di xxj d. In quynces [quinces] x v d. In flower [flour] iij peckes [pecks] ix d. In butter j d. In muster [mustard] j d. In veniger [vinegar] j d. In verges [verjuice] j d. In sowger [sugar] iiij lib xiij d. In gynger and synamom [cinnamon] 1 quart viij d. In saynders [saunders or redsandalwood] j unc [ounce] j d. In saferyn [saffron] ij d. In dates j lib di. vij d. In prewings [prunes] ij d. In raysons [raisins] ij d. In mase and clovys [mace and cloves] vij d. In fagattes [faggots] xiiij xiiij d. In coles [coal] iij quarters xv d. In whyte asshen cuppys [white ash cups] ij d. In whyte [white] salt j pecke [peck] ij d. Item for the hyer [hire] of iij tabyll [table] clothes napkyns [napkins] with pewter and pannys with the hyer [hire] of the howse [house] xij d. Item to vj laborers vj d. Item in rewarde to the coke [cook] [ ] Item paid for bote hyer [boat hire] vj d.
Summa totalis v s. j d.
Summa totalis v s. j d. Sir Thomas [Mawdesley] I pray yow [you] delyver [deliver] to Nicholas Sanders for provision of this dyner [dinner] to my Ladyes [Lady’s] executors.