Plaque depicting The Lord’s Prayer: ‘Give us today our daily bread’ This plaque depicts the fourth petition in the Lord’s Prayer: ‘Give us today our daily bread’. This was interpreted from early Christianity as referring to three types of bread: (1) real bread for the body’s physical nourishment; (2) the Word of God as revealed through the Scriptures for the soul’s nourishment; and (3) the sacramental bread consumed at the Eucharist, also essential for the soul. Nouailher’s image shows a preacher delivering the Word of God to a large crowd, while a couple dines in the background, illustrating the giving of both heavenly and earthly bread. Colin Nouailher (1514–after 1574) Limoges, France, c.1540–50, after Hans Holbein the Younger’s image in Erasmus, Precatio dominica in septem portiones (The Lord’s Prayer in seven parts), Basel, 1524.
Copper enamelled en grisaille and pink and red, and gilt
Frank McClean Bequest (M.49C-1904)