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The Art of Food in Europe, 1500 – 1800

Rabbi Mordechai’s Seder plate explained

Rabbi Mordechai’s Seder plate explained The 15 Hebrew 2019-12-04-s running around the inside of the plate indicate the order of the Seder meal:

  1. Kadesh (blessings of sanctification over a glass of wine)
  2. Urchatz (washing of the hands)
  3. Karpas (eating a piece of vegetable or fresh green leaves, such as parsley, dipped in salt-water)
  4. Yachatz (breaking of the middle Matzah of the three on the table)
  5. Maggid (telling the Passover story)
  6. Rachtzah (washing of the hands for a second time)
  7. Motzi (blessing of the unleavened bread)
  8. Matzah (eating the Matzah)
  9. Maror (eating the bitter herbs, commonly horseradish)
  10. Korech (eating a sandwich of Matzah and bitter herbs, dipped in Charoset)
  11. Shulchan Orech (eating the main festive meal)
  12. Tzafun (hiding by adults and finding by children – or vice versa – and eating one half of the broken middle Matzah, as the Afikomen or ‘dessert’)
  13. Barekh (saying grace after the meal)
  14. Hallel (singing songs of praise)
  15. Nirtzah (concluding prayer for Divine acceptance of the performance of the commandments of the Passover meal)
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