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Feast & Fast

The Art of Food in Europe, 1500 – 1800

163: Larding pins and case Continental Europe

Larding pins and case Continental Europe, mid-18th century Pins: tinned steel; Case: olive wood Private collection Larding a skinned hare involved ‘embroidering’ little strips of pork fat (lardons) into its back and hind legs to stop it drying out when roasted. This cook proudly holds up her finished handiwork while balancing a chopping board on her lap. It holds a scored lump of lard, a few already-cut lardons, and a discarded larding pin, similar to these variously sized examples shown here. After use, the pins would have been carefully cleaned, dried, and stored in a wooden case, like that displayed here. Larding, like many other traditional kitchen practices, was a labour-intensive and skilled activity requiring appropriate equipment as well as dexterity and diligence.

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