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Feast & Fast

The Art of Food in Europe, 1500 – 1800

227: Title-page to George Hall

Title-page to George Hall, A Fast- Sermon, Preached to the Lords in the High-Court of Parliament Assembled On the Day of Solemn Humiliation for the continuing Pestilence, Octob. 3.

Title-page to George Hall, A Fast- Sermon, Preached to the Lords in the High-Court of Parliament Assembled On the Day of Solemn Humiliation for the continuing Pestilence, Octob. 3. 1666. And by their Order Published; By George Lord Bishop of Chester (London, 1666) When facing great trials, such as famine, plagues or war, communities often undertook collective fasts to seek God’s mercy. When London was ravaged by bubonic plague in spring 1665, a Royal proclamation declared that a day of fasting be observed on 12 July 1665 and on the first Wednesday of every month thereafter. This ‘Fast-Sermon’ was delivered to MPs on the official plague fasting day for October 1666.

Engraving Given by David Alexander, 2009 (P.184-2009)

Title-page to George Hall
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